Clear, Consistent, and Credible: A Guide to Data Hygiene in Collaboratory

Collaboratory is about institutional data and helping institutions with their data.

Ensuring clean, consistent, and reliable data in Collaboratory is essential for informed decision-making and institutional confidence.  Data hygiene isn’t a one-time task, though — it’s an ongoing process that requires intentionality and consistency.

Why Data Hygiene Matters

When data is accurate, complete, and well-maintained, it strengthens the credibility of community engagement efforts and enables institutions to best align their efforts with strategic priorities.  Maintaining data hygiene in Collaboratory ensures that the information that is captured is usable, comparable, and reflects the real-world impact of an institution’s community engagement.

Key Principles of Data Hygiene

To maintain clean, high-quality data, Collaboratory administrators should focus on:

  • Accuracy: Data should be free of errors and reflect true values.
  • Consistency: Standardized naming conventions and definitions make data easier to aggregate and interpret.
  • Completeness: All required fields must be completed, while balancing activity accuracy with practicality (e.g., approximations).
  • Timeliness: Data should be regularly updated to reflect the current status of ongoing activities.
  • Relevance: Focus on collecting data that aligns with institutional and community priorities is key.
  • Uniqueness: Avoid duplicate or redundant entries.

Strategies for Maintaining Data Hygiene

Establish standardized data entry protocols for faculty, staff, and students.  Collaboratory administrators are encouraged to create comprehensive guides for faculty, staff, and student proxies outlining how to enter activities completely and in line with institutional needs.  Including examples of standardized formats for names, dates, activity descriptions, etc.

Provide regular training (e.g., annually or semesterly) for those who enter data, sharing resources like data entry guides to help standardize data entry amongst diverse users.

Use consistent formats for activity titles, community partners, etc.  Ensure users are focusing on the specifics of their activities (e.g., identified population types, unique areas of focus – rather than selecting all options).  Seek consistency with scale of engagement activities captured (e.g., granular vs. aggregate).

Regularly review reports to identify trends, gaps, or anomalies in the data.  Use these insights to address potential issues and improve future data collection.

Ensure all team members who will be moderating submitted activities stick to a standardized review/editing process.

Schedule annual or semesterly communications to encourage activity owners to review and update their activity entries, especially paying attention to ongoing activities.

When sharing data with campus and community stakeholders, invite them to ask questions about the data, flag issues, or suggest improvements.

Maintaining data hygiene in Collaboratory is an iterative process, but small, consistent efforts can produce significant results.  By prioritizing these best practices, institutions can ensure their data is trustworthy, actionable, and aligned with strategic goals.

Want to Harness the Power of Community Engagement Data?

Discover how Collaboratory can help your institution capture, analyze, and leverage community engagement data for meaningful impact.  Email us at to learn more!

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