In 2007, our founder, Callahan Fore—who was just 16 years old at the time—was fishing with his dad. Callahan told his dad that he needed 100 hours of volunteer time to graduate high school, but he couldn’t find any opportunities.
That’s when the idea for NobleHour was born.
Since 2007, NobleHour has helped thousands of schools, nonprofits, and businesses across the nation connect volunteers with opportunities. It has also helped volunteers track, log, and verify those hours.
In 2014, TreeTop Commons LLC was created as the parent company to NobleHour. TreeTop Commons developed Collaboratory in collaboration with The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. The UNC Greensboro Institute for Community and Economic Engagement created an online database to organize and report their data from hundreds of community engagement and public service activities and relationships. Collaboratory builds off of UNCG’s experience to create a national database to further the understanding, practice, and scholarship of community engagement.