Collaboratory Coffee Break: Identifying Stakeholders
Collaboratory enables institutions to collect a robust amount of data about their community engagement. However, numbers alone do not help answer our most burning questions or foster meaningful internal dialogue about our engagement. This Coffee Break will provide guidance and tools for campuses to identify their stakeholders (who), what they need to know, and why (actions they should take based on the data you provide them). By identifying campus stakeholders and what information they need to know, institutions can begin to re-frame their data collection strategy and usage.
Lauren WendlingDirector of Institutional Success, Collaboratory
Lauren works to ensure that all institutions successfully implement and utilize Collaboratory software to tell their story of community engagement. Prior to joining Collaboratory, Lauren worked as a Graduate Assistant within the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Office of Community Engagement where she built capacity for and implemented Collaboratory software to gather information from across campus and the community to inform assessment, institutional decision-making, and to tell the story of IUPUI’s collective impact. Lauren earned her Ph.D. in Higher Education from Indiana University Bloomington, with a focus on urban education. Lauren’s scholarship focuses on the recognition and evaluation of engaged scholarship within promotion and tenure and the institutionalization of community engagement.