Home Past Webinars & Trainings - Collaboratory Conference Presentation Research ESC: Aligning community engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals

ESC: Aligning community engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals

Join us at the 2021 Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference!

Aligning community engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals

17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. One critique of the SDGs is that there is a disconnect between the articulation of global goals and the coordination of localized efforts that can directly contribute to those goals. As a result, higher education and other entities in the United States have been slow to adopt the international framework. This workshop will introduce participants to the SDGs and metrics through a community-university partnership lens. We suggest that by understanding community-university partnerships in the context of the SDGs, higher education institutions can respond at the local level with clear evidence of how their existing work already supports the global goals.

The SDGs framework provides the benefit of standardized language and common indicators, which can be used to help stakeholders across all disciplines and sectors speak the same language and make progress toward shared impact. Community engagement administrators are uniquely positioned to help integrate the SDGs into strategic institutional initiatives. Our workshop will provide participants with an overview of the SDGs, an overview of higher education community engagement, and concrete tools to link the two frameworks together. Participants will have the opportunity to explore how the SDGs connect to higher education mission and vision, how they can manifest across campus, and how they can be incorporated into community engagement initiatives at their institutions.

The event is finished.


Sep 15 2021


2:15 pm - 3:00 pm


Open to the Public


Engagement Scholarship Consortium
Engagement Scholarship Consortium


  • Kristin Medlin
    Director of Research & Development at Collaboratory
  • Jessica Givens
    SDGs & Beyond Task Force Coordinator at Arizona State University’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory

    Jessica Givens is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) & Beyond Task Force Coordinator at Arizona State University’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory co-chaired by the Thunderbird School of Global Management. Based in the largest and most innovative university in the country, Jessica co-creates strategy and execution of projects related to the SDGs with an emphasis on driving tech-based green growth which scales now and beyond 2030. Jessica holds a Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology & Ecology and Master of Science & Technology Policy from Arizona State University.

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