Home Past Webinars & Trainings Conference Presentation Re-Imagining Benchmarking as Stewards of Place: Identifying Peers in the Context of Communities

Re-Imagining Benchmarking as Stewards of Place: Identifying Peers in the Context of Communities

What constitutes a “peer” for institutions that consider themselves to be Stewards of Place and who want to understand their impacts within the context of their community partnerships? This session will introduce the idea of Placemarking, which radically reorients the institution as a member of the communities it serves rather than identifying it as a separate entity beyond the boundaries of its community. It enhances traditional benchmarking methodologies and metrics (e.g., IPEDS) to also include the community context in which institutions reside (socioeconomic and demographic indicators) as well as how institutions work in partnership with their communities (e.g., its people, organizations, issues, and assets). Placemarking allows institutions to better align their identity and image, advocate on behalf of both institutional and community priorities, and foster collaborative planning.

About AASCU’s 2021 Academic Affairs Summer Meeting

AASCU’s 2021 Academic Affairs Summer Meeting will ask timely and relevant questions about managing and leading the post-2020 university. How has 2020 changed higher education permanently? What have we learned? What aspects of our work do we need to restore to where we were before 2020? How do we need to adapt to the new reality? What must be fundamentally reinvented?

The event is finished.


Jul 22 2021


2:15 pm - 3:05 pm

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