Positioning Engagement: A Review of 40 Institutional Strategic Plans
Join Collaboratory staff at the 2023 Engagement Scholarship Consortium International Conference as they share recent findings from current research efforts.
Though institutions are, in larger numbers, crafting strategic plans that highlight a commitment to engagement, there is often confusion and uncertainty regarding best practices and innovative approaches to ensuring community engagement is a foundational aspect of a campus’ multi-year strategic plan. As campuses work toward infusing community engagement into their strategic plans there is a need for scholarship exploring how and in what ways institutions are positioning community engagement efforts within their larger institutional vision.
This presentation will share data gathered from an analysis of 40 institution-level strategic plans. It will provide insights into how campuses are:
1. defining and framing community engagement,
2. diffusing and integrating engagement within their overall plans, and
3. identifying metrics and KPIs to evaluate progress toward stated engagement goals
Lauren WendlingDirector of Institutional Success, Collaboratory
Lauren works to ensure that all institutions successfully implement and utilize Collaboratory software to tell their story of community engagement. Prior to joining Collaboratory, Lauren worked as a Graduate Assistant within the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Office of Community Engagement where she built capacity for and implemented Collaboratory software to gather information from across campus and the community to inform assessment, institutional decision-making, and to tell the story of IUPUI’s collective impact. Lauren earned her Ph.D. in Higher Education from Indiana University Bloomington, with a focus on urban education. Lauren’s scholarship focuses on the recognition and evaluation of engaged scholarship within promotion and tenure and the institutionalization of community engagement.